A single hour of data downtime costs 98% of firms at least $100,000美元的销售损失, lost productivity and other costs.

It is time to change the IT break-fix cycle.

A single hour of data downtime costs 98% of firms at least $100,000美元的销售损失, lost productivity and other costs.

Truly Proactive IT Managed Services

A study at UC Irvine found that it takes the average person 23 minutes to get back on task after an interruption. One unexpected drop-in from a coworker? That’s half an hour lost. That might not be at the top of many employers’ list of concerns in our increasingly remote world. But now more than ever, IT issues kill productivity.

Every minute of server downtime, every forgotten email password, every time your technology doesn’t 只是工作 is 23 minutes you’ll never get back. Over the course of a single month, what does that cost in lost productivity and lost dollars? The answer to this question is what drives MG游戏登录网页 to take a 积极主动的 approach to our IT managed services.

We break the cycle of 无功 break-fixes by 积极主动的ly managing every aspect of your business technology. That means less downtime, fewer emergency IT issues, and more uptime and staff productivity.

Customized IT Managed Services for Any Organization

MG游戏登录网页’s managed services solution is born from decades of experience in data management, 安全, 应用程序开发, and network management to offer:

  • 管理支持

  • 分层安全

  • 管理备份

  • 服务器管理

  • Workstation Management

  • 网络管理

No two organizations are alike, that’s why our broad service offerings serve as a roadmap for each managed services client’s unique experience. While the destination remains the same—reliable and secure IT that keeps your data safe and your employees productive—each step along the way is designed to meet your specific needs.

The best way to make a point is to show, 不告诉, and it’s in that spirit we share A Tale of Two Clients, a case study that shows how our managed services have helped two organizations: a nonprofit organization and a commercial enterprise. Download now to start charting your course to the IT outcomes your organization needs.


Managed IT Services That Make Your Life Easier

Sometimes keeping a business going can feel like keeping a boat afloat. It’s not just the captain at the wheel, or sailors charting the course, or the crew making engine repairs; all of these parties are equally responsible for the ship’s voyage.

同样地, running a business is a composite of vastly different needs, 希望, 费用, 和需求, but each component is vital—as long as it’s working toward the same vision. If the whole team isn’t working together, 然而, the proverbial ship can veer wildly out of control—which means wasted time and wasted money.

IT managed services may come from an outside vendor, but they need to be making recommendations and decisions while looking through the same lens as the team.

MG游戏登录网页, our approach to any client engagement is to help strategize and execute which plan truly works best for their needs. Does this database provide the right level of support? Is this tech tool the right one at the right price? We’re not looking to sell a client on a solution that serves us; we’re in the business of making sure IT keeps everything and everyone going. If managed IT service providers are making you seasick, maybe it’s time to chart a course for MG游戏登录网页.

Download our white paper

Whether it’s choosing new hardware, 新软件, going through a cloud update, trying to meet 安全 regulations, or even building software of your own, we pride ourselves on being an IT one-stop shop you can trust. To better understand exactly how our experts become an extension of your IT team, explore the two very different client success stories in our white paper.

A Tale of Two Clients white paper